Sanguine is a graphic technique realized by the use of hematite, a ferrous material leaving on drawing sheets a trace bound to be compared to the colour of blood.
The drawing tool has the shape of a common pencil (whose Italian translation derives from the word hematite) with a mine of reddish color giving the design a pictorial effect. During the Renaissance the concept of drawing as an autonomous form of artistic practice took form, as a foundation of art.
Giorgio Vasari said: drawing as the father of our three arts – architecture, sculpture and painting.
There are infinite possibilities to apply the art of drawing.
I use to draw on paper, especially the sanguine drawing as an autonomous form of art. I use clear or crossed signs for portraits, still lifes, landscapes ... I pay attention to the highlights and shadows and to the volumes of forms, sometimes my hand is led by the softness of the tip of hematite to achieve a painting effect.